Yona Friedman participated to the
Do-it project, a serie of manuals and exhibitions, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, where artists offer instructions to realise their work.
This is his proposal from 2002.
To build a city1 Draw any regular or irregular contour line showing the floor plan of the home you desire (not necessary to indicate partition walls)
2 The scale of the drawing should be 1 cm = 1 m
3 send us back by e-mail or fax your drawing
4 all the drawings sent back will be displayed together within a grid (an "infrastructure") of 10 cm / 10 cm mesh model
5 the collection of all drawings (floor-plans) sent back will be pasted onto the grid: the whole collection will represent the urban plan of "Utopia - City"
6 Do not forget to inscribe your name into your plan.
Paris, 18.4.02